You must have used Swish max for making text effect. Today I’m going to tell you a technique, by using this technique you can make a lot of Text effect of your own desire in Flash. You just have to plan the type of effect and just use this tutorial. Lets start.
1. Lets start with a new file of size 560 x 200 px with any bg color.
2. Now if you are expert in Flash then take a movie clip, otherwise for practice you can use Stage. So to make this tutorial easy, I’m using Direct stage. Now pick Type Tool and type your desire text on stage. I’m going to write ‘Stunningmesh‘. Use any font of your own desire, also color.
3. Press Ctrl+B once to break each character apart:
4. Right click on the text and select Distribute to Layer option, it will put each character on separate layer.
5. Delete to Top layer (named Layer 1) because it is useless for us. Now plan what kind of animation you wants to make, I’m planning that each character should drop from top to bottom, but character by character and having some elastic effect. So by using Mouse, select Frame 15 of every layer (by holding mouse left click on Frame 15 of ‘S’ layer and dragging it down to Frame 15 of last ‘h’ layer) as shown below:
6. Hit F5 key to make Frames:
7. Right click on any of the last frame and select Create Classic Tween (for Adobe CS) and Creat Motion Tween (for older versions), then hit F6 key to make Keyframes:
8. Now select Frame 25 of all Layers and hit F6 key:
9. Again select Frame 30 of all layers and hit F6 key, then Frame 32 of all layers and then Frame 34 of all layers:
10. Now select Frame 1 of all layers and then move the text towards up, outside of the stage:
11. Select Frame 15 of all layers and move the text below, by holding Shift and pressing Down Arrow key Twice:
12. Now select Frame 25 of all layers and hit Up Arrow key once by holding Shift key, then select Frame 30 of all layers and hit Down Arrow key five time but this time without holding shift key, then Frame 32 of all layers and hit Up Arrow key 3 times, without holding Shift key, keep Frame 34 text as it is.
13. Select again Frame 1 of all layers and come into Property Panel (you may find it towards right or bottom, if it is not showing then hit Ctrl+F3 to display). Under the Tweening title you must be watching Ease box, simply click on 0 in front of it and type 100:
13. Select Frame 15 of all layers and give -100 in Ease, then select Frame 25 of all layers and type 100 in Ease, then Frame 30 of all layers and type -100, then select Frame 32 of all layers and type 100 in ease and leave frame 34 as it is.
14. Again select Frame 1 of all layers and click on any character of text, you will see the Property box will change and there you will find, Color Effect box, from Style list box, select Alpha and type 0 instead of 100:
15. When you press Ctrl+Enter to check it, you will see whole text would come at once, but we need every character to come separately. For this purpose click second layer name (i.e. t layer), it will select all frames of Layer t:
hold any frame of Layer t and move it two frames towards right:
16. Now move all frames of ‘Layer u’ towards right 4 frames, then next layer to 6 frames and then so on:
17. When you hit Ctrl+Enter to watch it, it will display each character dropping from top to bottom, but then each character will vanish. To solve this problem select Frame 60 of all Layers and hit F6 to make keyframes:
Enjoy a simple animation:
By using this simple technique, you can make unlimited effects. Here are some more Effects for you, so you can download Source FLA file to check these:
[Download Source FLA File]---nguồn
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